In the age of iPads, e-Readers and the supposed death of print, it's reassuring to see that some people believe the printed page and high-tech can co-exist quite sensibly. Out of the Box does away with complicated mobile phone manuals printed in the smallest type-faces known to man, and instead replaces them with an interactive book concept.
It's such a clever idea it's hard to believe no one thought of it before. The books have cut-away holes in which the handset nestles as each page guides you through a different aspect of set up. With smartphones becoming ever more complicated, it would be a great way to introduce them to the tech-wary among us.
我们都喜欢高科技的数码产品,比如说功能越来越先进的手机——但是,这里面却存在一个矛盾,那就是产品手册的简陋与缺少互动,已越来越无法适应功能上的日趋复杂……于是,尤其是对上了年纪的人来说,新科技并不总是带来方便,更多时候是带来噩梦……现在,设计师Clara Gaggero等人带来的一种全新交互式说明书——Out of the Box,也许将解决这一问题:
简单地说,Out of the Box的理念就是将结构 (部件)、功能和手册三者完美地结合在一起。以手机为例,当我们买到一款新手机,会发现它被包装得如同两本书,其中一本是结构 (部件)介绍,而另外一本是功能介绍。首先,拿起结构那本,翻开它,哦,天啊,太惊人,它将手机的各部件拆开后,分别插入到书页中,如同《肖申克的救赎》中将锤子藏进圣经一般,而且对应介绍文字的书页中嵌入的将是对应的部件,比如说,介绍电池的那页,上面刚好嵌着电池!于是,翻看这本小册子的同时,也就是将这些部件收集起来组装成手机的过程!
接着,当手机组装完毕 (当然,只是主要部件,不可能让我们从元件开始组装……),我们可以打开功能页——啊哈,里面是中空设计,刚好可以将手机放进去,而四周则是功能介绍文字。这样做的好处在于,我们可以一边对照手机一边看功能说明,而且,手册上还可以显著标识出正在说的功能所需要的按钮在什么位置,对应的屏幕显示又在什么位置!显然,拥有这样的手册后,就如同有一个客服人员在手把手地为我们介绍这款手机,所有的操作方法说明将简单、准确且明了到极致。
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